
The effect of acupuncture for the cancer patients with insomnia

Acupuncture is commonly used as the treatment for external muscle pain, however, it is also helpful to some interior diseases, such as insomnia. By regulating and qi and blood circulation and balance abnormal energy level in the body, it can improve the sleep quality. Here is the linkage to a  latest research about the effect of acupuncture on cancer patients with insomnia. http://abstracts.asco.org/214/AbstView_214_220993.html.

Also the Memorial Sloan-Kettering cancer center recently released the news about acupuncture for those patients with insomnia: https://www.mskcc.org/blog/asco18-acupuncture-and-cognitive-behavioral-therapy-can-help-cancer-survivors-who-have-insomnia


Diseases that could be treated by acupuncture-from WHO evidence based report

In 2003 World Health Organization published a report about clinical trials researching the effectiveness of acupuncture. More than one hundred indication were discussed and divided into four groups concerning the strength of existing evidence. It covers muscular diseases, digestive system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, endocrine system, urinary systems. In the follow weeks… Here is the linkage to this information which may help you to know more evidence about acupuncture: https://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/

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